MSS ID: Add_ms_6787_f566r


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Some considerations rising vpon the 23 p. of |

Archimedes de Quadratura parabolis & the 17 & 18 chap. of |

viaetus his responsa. pa. 29. ||

If there be nombers in subduple proportion infinitely to find out |

there summe. ||

as. $8\cdot4\cdot2\cdot1\cdot\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{1}{4}\cdot\frac{1}{8}\cdot\frac{1}{16}\space\&c.$||

The first dubled is the summe. that is in this example, 8. dubled is is $16$

In this <kinde of> progression if the nomber of places be finite. the summe is found |

thus. also . duble the first as here. $8$. which maketh $16$. from it subtracte the |

last & the remayne wilbe the somme. for alwayes the <somme> last doth lacke of |

the double of the first by his somme <the> quantyty of the last. or |